Daily purple clay pot recommendation2022/04/18
To buy Zisha teapot, please contact WeChat wuukui or eshipotian
Classic Little Lotus Seed·130cc
The best blue-gray material is as smooth as a jade-shaped authentic handle. It can be gripped by a small flying handle. The details are delicate and the water is refreshing and practical.

Xiaoduo·Extra high temperature·120cc
The original ore ultra-high temperature gold section is full of old taste, 20-mesh coarse sand, low yield, excellent foaming effect

Classic level · All handmade · 240CC
Raw ore 30 mesh coarse sand vermilion mud material authentic moisturizing effect after soaking, fully handmade double-layer lid type authentic model elegant atmosphere sword flowing mouth water clear and comfortable to play with

High Hexagon · 200cc
All hand-made light embryo best-quality green stucco mud material, colorful shape, Founder, large flat-bottomed flat knife, engraved with gold and stone flavor, "Prajna Heart Sutra", stable and important