
Why did I choose Shipotian Zisha

client: Bihai Chaosheng

I have always been interested in Chinese traditional culture, such as classical furniture, ancient architecture, gold, stone and jade, and of course purple sand pots.

A few years ago, I wanted to buy a purple clay teapot for myself to drink tea in my spare time, but I was afraid of the chaos in the market and the difficulty in distinguishing the real from the fake. For a newcomer who loves purple sand but knows nothing about it, even the most basic need of buying a tea set that can drink tea with peace of mind is not what to do. , too expensive and not worth it. For this reason, I also bought some books on purple sand, and at the same time watched some videos introducing purple sand, the purpose is to understand the culture and knowledge of purple sand more deeply.

By chance, I saw Shi Potian talking about purple sand on Youku. The first impression is that this person has thick eyebrows and big eyes, a kind face, and a naive attitude. He wears a baseball cap and looks very leisurely. The words and sentences of the explanation are also unpretentious. I like this style . "Xiaobai" has gradually grown into a "beginner" of purple sand. It can be said that Shi Potian brought me into the "pit" of purple sand.

Later, I took a fancy to an office cover cup in his WeChat store. Due to the failure experience of buying a cover cup on a certain website (the handle is crooked, the cover is not tight, and it cost 500 oceans), I haven’t bought it for a long time. Until one day I saw a really unrealistic advertisement on his WeChat store: Shipotian purple sand, you can rest assured to make tea. I felt that this boss was really good at doing business, so I started with the mentality of giving it a try. After receiving the goods, I can't say it was a surprise, at least I was more satisfied, and the price/performance ratio was high.

If I saw him on the Internet for the first time, my first impression was simple and kind, but after receiving the goods, I really felt that he was honest and honest, so I kindly called him " brother" afterwards.

After that, I bought a junior Qinquan pot from "brother", and I remember it only cost more than 200 at that time (because my brother couldn't figure out the discounts on e-commerce platforms at the time, he finally let me pick up a Leakage, flattered). Later, I added 6 Laoduanni master cups, Laoduanni giant wheel beads, and Qingziye stone scoops in the bottom groove. It feels great after use.

I would like to use the three pots I bought to describe my brother: "Qin Quan" is a kind of weight and measure, which symbolizes his honesty and trustworthiness in business; The shape of "Ziye" is composed of multiple triangles, and the transition at every turn is round and smooth, revealing bone strength and tension, which is quite similar to his calligraphy, which is stable without losing the style of a gentleman.

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